Monday, February 22, 2010


So I am finally quilting the zig-zag quilt!! I just cannot get motivated to finish it! I want to finish quilting it so I can bring the quilt to work after starting the binding. We will see! Maybe by next week I will be able to do that! Yeah... that is what I said last week!! Tee-hee!

We will see, I am being a slacker lately and just want to lay around and do nothing... of course nothing includes a 10 month old daughter that is into everything! So nothing is a very busy day in my house! I will post pics of the zig-zag quilt this week... I am upset that some of my lines were off and the edges are not all exact... but I guess I have to give myself some credit being that this is the first quilt that I have done all by myself from start to finish! I have to stop being so hard on myself!

Have a great night!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!!

With all the snow that is happening outside... I thought I would share some images of what it is like out there! I shoveled out the sidewalk and next to my car... now mind you my sidewalk can't be more then 20 feet long... it took me and my husband an hour to get my car out.... thank goodness my husband has a plow that did most of the work.... It is crazy out there!

This is the door to my deck.... clearly up to my thighs in height!

This is the front door snowed in.....


AND AFTER!!! (Note the snow bank to the right... yeah its as tall as me and I am 5ft 7in. Craziness!!)

The zig zag quilt top is almost done! I will post a picture when its completed! I just have to get my walking foot for my sewing machine and I can get it quilted!

Birthday Flowers!!!

Good Afternoon!
As I write to you on this very snowy day.... I wanted to share the pictures of the flowers my husband got me for my birthday yesterday! They are so pretty!!!
He is such a GREAT HUBBY!!! Love him!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Quilt~ Coming along

Here is the quilt so far! Coming along! Got the first line of strips done.... I cannot wait to get it done! Will post more later!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Slow go....

So I got another strip of my zig-zag quilt done and it is shaping up quite nicely!! I cannot wait to get it done... The back will be one solid piece so that should take no time at all... and a friend of mine is going to show me how to bind it... being that this is the first quilt that I will have made from start to finish all on my own I still have lots to learn about the whole process.... I think I will go home tonight and work on it some more!

I might try posting a question with each post and see what responses I get back... about random stuff that I have seen on TV or heard.... Now all I have to do is think of some good questions to ask.... hmmmmm???

More pictures coming later this week!
Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pictures... as promised!!

Well, here they are... pictures that I promised earlier in the week! Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Here is the scrap quilt that I am working on... all kinds of crazy and bright fabric! I am trying to get rid of this fabric because I have used it all on a T-shirt quilt that I made a long time ago and still have yet to finish! I figure I will make this scrap quilt a lap quilt for the couch or to lay across the bottom of a bed.....

Here is the zig-zag quilt that I am making for my daughter! I have started sewing the squares together and I have some seams are off already but I don't care... It's going to be so cute being white and pink!

And here are the other squares that I will be using.... one is brown circles with stars, the other with ducks, one with hearts, one with polka-dots and one with nursery rhymes on it.... I cannot wait for it to be done! I might just be up all night finishing it!

Happy Sunday!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am spent!

Wow.... 3 Neuro Level 1's in 3 days.... I am spent! But it's good, I am brushing up on my neuro stuff! Just another example of learning new and exciting stuff everyday! Quilting is at a stand-still the past few days... I did learn that if you use a vinyl table cloth, with the felt on the back, and hang it with the felt out on a wall... your fabric will stick to the felt and you can layout your quilt pieces on it.... I was so excited when I tried it last night and it worked! How cool is that?!?!? I hope to get back into quilting this weekend! One more night of evenings this week and then the weekend! YEAH!! Have a great night!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anniversary day!!!

What an Anniversary day! I came home this past night to a heart felt card laying on my pillow! What a great hubby!! Of course I had to come to work tonight... so a celebration will have to wait til this weekend. Quilting is coming along and I promise pictures will be up this weekend! I have so much to update on! My daughters zig-zag quilt is coming along nicely! I was a lot bigger then I anticipated.... but she will grow into it! I might just have to make her a smaller one that she can have now.
Have a great night!
Mamma Lauren XOXO

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Time's a Charm

So here it goes.... the first blog post that I have ever done! This should be interesting! I am really new at this so all the comments and suggestions that you want to send are welcome! I am working on a few different quilt projects now and will have pictures to share later! Enjoy your night!!!